EarthCam Premieres Time-Lapse Movie to Celebrate the Opening of New Terramar Retail Center in San Diego

Consumer Electronics Net, 11.18.13

The waterfront landscape in San Diego is pulsing with activity with the opening of The Headquarters at Seaport District today. To celebrate the event, EarthCam is premiering their time-lapse movie, documenting progress for the new open-air lifestyle retail center.

The time-lapse showcases construction progress for what is to be considered the jewel in the crown of downtown San Diego from April 2013 to November 2013. For the past 7 months, EarthCams MegapixelCam construction camera documented and archived the process with high definition megapixel imagery. Updating views of the construction were made available on a public web page, inviting the community to see the project and witness the revitalization of this popular downtown location. With a unique aerial perspective, not only did the camera offer the optimal view of the construction, but also a perfect look at the beautiful shoreline.